What is repair management?

Repair management refers to the process of coordinating and overseeing the repair and maintenance activities of assets, equipment, or systems within an organization. It involves managing the entire lifecycle of repairs, from identifying the need for repair to the completion of the repair process.

Repair management refers to the process of coordinating and overseeing the repair and maintenance activities of assets, equipment, or systems within an organization. It involves managing the entire lifecycle of repairs, from identifying the need for repair to the completion of the repair process.

Repair management typically includes the following key activities:

Effective repair management is crucial for organizations to minimize downtime, reduce repair costs, and ensure the efficient and reliable operation of assets and equipment. It involves a systematic approach to planning, execution, and monitoring, with the goal of maintaining optimal performance and extending the lifespan of valuable resources.

What is a repair tracker?

A repair tracker is a tool, usually cloud-based, that is used to track and monitor the progress of repairs. It is designed to provide real-time visibility into the status of repair requests, allowing stakeholders to track and manage the repair process easily. Repair trackers are commonly used in various industries and organizations, including facilities management, equipment maintenance, customer support, and automotive repair shops.

The key features and functionalities of a repair tracker may include:


By utilizing a repair tracker, organizations can enhance their repair management process, improve communication and transparency, optimize resource allocation, and ultimately reduce downtime and costs associated with repairs. 

What is repair management software?

Repair service businesses, such as auto repair shops, appliance service vendors, or handyman service companies, need to provide efficient and frictionless service experiences to ensure customer loyalty. They have to run day-to-day operations, coordinate and track service claims, and collaborate with technicians to complete repairs on time.

But repetitive tasks, administrative difficulties, and outdated processes can slow down operations. Repair Management software eliminates manual and unproductive tasks, streamlines workflows, and allows service teams and technicians to focus on completing repairs on the field and exceeding customer expectations.

Dispatch Software Dispatch Software

Benefits of a repair management software

A repair management system solves many issues that service and after-sales teams face when managing their maintenance and repair requests. Here are the key benefits that a repair management software delivers for repair teams and technicians:

Organize all your repair and task information

Problem: Using systems that require repetitive manual effort can lead to unorganized and inefficient ways of creating and managing your repair tasks and customer information.

Solution: A service and repair software simplifies the process of collecting every service request, recording information about the job, and enabling easy access to both dispatch teams and technicians.

Task Management Task Management

Track progress and updates in real-time

Problem: It’s difficult for service managers and field technicians to check the status and updates of a task in real-time.

Solution: A repair management solution helps both parties collaborate easily and provide updates on-the-go. Repair teams can instantly notify field technicians of updates on a job and track the progress of tasks in real-time.

Track real time updates Track real time updates

Improve resolution and response times

Problem: Using paper-based systems and spreadsheets to assign tasks and manage resources leads to errors and delays repairs.

Solution: By using a powerful repair management solution to schedule repair jobs, assign the right technicians and improve communication between dispatch teams and on-field personnel, technicians can reach customer locations faster, prioritize assignments, and solve issues quicker. Service teams can also set up automated workflows for repetitive tasks to help improve productivity.

Track real time updates Track real time updates

Optimize inventory management and reduce costs

Problem: There’s no effective way for technicians to tell service teams when they need to source parts for repair jobs, resulting in multiple site visits and unnecessary transport costs.

Solution: Repair management software can help you collect information about the equipment to be assessed beforehand to help manage asset inventory so technicians can be suitably prepared. Technicians can use the mobile app to capture images and take notes onsite about the parts that need replacement. A purchase order can be preplanned, making parts management more efficient, and reducing logistical and inventory costs

Inventory management Inventory management

Features of repair management system

A repair management system typically encompasses a range of features and functionalities to streamline and optimize the repair process. Here are some common features you can find in a repair management system:

Repair Request Management: Allows users to submit repair requests, providing details such as the type of repair needed, location, and any supporting documentation or images.

Work Order Generation: Automatically generates work orders based on repair requests, containing all the necessary information for technicians to perform the repair. This includes details like the equipment or asset involved, priority level, required parts or materials, and any specific instructions.

Scheduling and Assignment: Helps in assigning repair tasks to technicians or maintenance staff based on their availability, skills, and workload. It provides a centralized view of scheduled repairs and helps optimize resource allocation.

Communication and Collaboration: Facilitates communication between requesters, technicians, and supervisors. It allows for real-time updates, messaging, and notifications to keep all stakeholders informed about the progress of repairs.

Inventory Management: Tracks and manages inventory of spare parts, tools, and equipment needed for repairs. It provides visibility into stock levels, automates reordering when inventory falls below a certain threshold, and helps prevent delays caused by lack of necessary supplies.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management: Enables the establishment and management of SLAs for repairs. It allows organizations to define response times, repair turnaround times, and other performance metrics to ensure repairs are completed within agreed-upon timeframes and attain service excellence.

Technician Mobile App: Provides a mobile application for technicians to access repair details, update repair statuses, record repair notes, and capture media (such as photos or videos) for documentation purposes. It improves field efficiency and eliminates the need for paper-based processes.

Reporting and Analytics: Generates reports and provides analytics on repair metrics, including repair turnaround time, costs, asset downtime, technician productivity, and other key performance indicators. It helps in identifying trends, evaluating performance, and making data-driven decisions for process improvement.

Integration with Other Systems: Integrates with existing systems, such as asset management, inventory management, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, to exchange data seamlessly and ensure accurate information flow throughout the organization.

Maintenance History Tracking: Maintains a comprehensive history of repairs conducted on assets or equipment. It allows for easy retrieval of past repair records, analysis of recurring issues, and tracking of warranty information.


These features help organizations streamline their repair management process, improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and ensure the effective maintenance of assets and equipment. The specific features offered may vary depending on the software provider and the industry requirements.

FAQs about repair management software