Hootsuite’s Secret Sauce to Customer Service

Hootsuite is a social media management software, that lets their customers manage all their social profiles from one integrated place, and considering the relevance of social media applications, this tool is a relief for businesses of all sizes. For our secret sauce series, I had the opportunity to interview Kirsty Traill, the VP Customer of Hootsuite, to talk about how they approach customer service. In our discussions, she shared a great many insights on recruiting, training, and managing a multi-channel support team; one that is active 24×7, and spans different regions. Honestly, there wasn’t much she didn’t know – and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with her.

So let’s dive right in!

Kirsty Traill
VP Customer Support at Hootsuite 

Monica: Hello, Kirsty. It’s great to be talking to you about your experiences and learning more about customer service. In the interest of our readers, could you tell us a little about yourself, your experience in support and your role at Hootsuite.

Kirsty: My name is Kirsty Traill, and I’m the VP Customer at Hootsuite. I am responsible for five key business areas at Hootsuite. The first is customer support where I oversee Customer Support for Hootsuite’s 18 million customers worldwide. I have a team of 80 people based in London, Bucharest, Vancouver, and Mexico City whose role is to deliver best-in-class customer support with a focus on social media for Hootsuite global customers.

I also own Customer Experience, where the key focus of the team is ensuring that we have a seamless customer journey across all the different touch points in which our customers interact with Hootsuite.

I oversee Voice of Customer / Customer Insight which is listening to all of our customer feedback and distilling it and sharing it back with the business to drive business, process and product innovation.

I own Customer Marketing, which is focuses on developing programs that help customers onboard easily, adopt and use the product, and get value from Hootsuite. This team’s goal is to drive customer loyalty which improves subscription renewals and ultimately allows us to upsell other plans or products.

Lastly I am responsible for the customer advocacy function. That team works with Hootsuite customers to advocate on behalf of Hootsuite and to tell their stories.

Monica: One thing that stood out for me was your mention of Customer Marketing. I understand customer support, customer experience and customer advocacy go hand in hand. But how does marketing fit into this entire picture of customer service?

Kirsty: Customer Marketing is a pivotal part of customer experience. It focuses on the post-sale customer journey, which effectively starts after the signing of the deal. The team then works to drive programs and campaigns across all the different marketing touch points, to ensure that customers have the launch experience they were expecting — they derive the value they came to see and that they have a great experience with Hootsuite across all of those post-sell marketing touch points.

Customer Marketing is a pivotal part of customer experience.

Monica: Let’s say there’s a feature that Hootsuite is planning to launch. And it’s important that all the functions like product, marketing, customer support teams are in line with this feature launch. So how does communication flow between these teams?

Kirsty: We will effectively, as a part of the early stage of the product development process, bring in customer feedback from all the different data sources including, obviously, social media.

We will kind of work to prioritize and scope that customer feedback in terms of

– what we think it delivers to customers
– in terms of value and
– the effort it takes for us to build it.

We work with the product team to ensure that it gets into the product roadmap prioritization, which happens annually and quarterly, and then reviewed weekly.

Then the product team goes off and builds the product. Then we work with the product marketing team to plan the go to market. So the product marketing team will think about:

– how do we want to position this
– how do we want to launch those features
– how do we want to tell our customers about it

Additionally, the customer support team will get early access to the product or feature. This helps us do some internal testing. We call it a dark launch. Because the customer support team is very oriented towards customers and how they use the product, they will often have a two-week early access to make sure that the product works in the way that our customers will expect it to.

We also have what we call Beta and Early Access Programs for our customers. We will invite certain customers to use the product before any of our other customers have access to it. This helps us gather and develop customer feedback and make sure that by the time we go to market, the Hootsuite experience works as designed and we’re communicating with our customers across the touch points they expect us to communicate with them on. And that experience is actually at a point it works in the best interest of our customers.

Monica: Well, I think that is exactly how every company needs to function. If the product, marketing, and customer support teams are functioning in different directions, the end user is going to be affected.

So when we talk about processes within a customer support team, do you have any specific process in place for your team, something different from the rest of the companies out there, something we can all draw inspiration and learn from.

A lot of companies still put their heads in the sand when it comes to supporting customers over social media.

Kirsty: I’ll focus on social media considering Hootsuite is a social media company. Having talked to a lot of customers, and seeing how social media has evolved, I’m still very surprised, that a lot of companies still put their heads in the sand when it comes to supporting customers over social media.

We have data, from our friends over at our alliance partners like Twitter, where 60% of customers who complain on Twitter expect a response within an hour. According to the industry analyst company Forrester, seven out of eight social media needs go unanswered within 72 hours, which is three days. So there’s a massive disconnect between customers expecting a response within an hour and seven out of eight, which is a 75 – 80 percent of social media messages not being answered within three days.

I’ll talk a little about how we bridge this gap at Hootsuite. We have a five-step process that we take our customers through to get started using social media for customer support.


The first step is what we call ‘Identify’. Here we ask our customers to audit and understand where and how their customers are looking for customer support. Take a look at how many social media accounts there are within your organization, who is responsible for these accounts, where your customers are, and on which channels are your customers looking for support (or engaging with your brand).

For instance, we work with a partner ZeroFOX, which helps customers identify fraudulent or unauthorized accounts. We helped a large manufacturing client discover that there was not only a fake account where someone had set up an unauthorized account, but it had over 10,000 followers and people were engaging with it on a regular basis. So it’s important to find these and shut them down.

The second step is ‘Integrating Social’. This stage is about integrating social into your existing customer support structure by deploying a social relationship platform across your team and organization. We talked before about product, marketing, and customer support working together – It’s important to have some kind of system or a social relationship platform or a social media management solution to pass social media messages backwards and forwards between teams.

For example, our customer support team is a 24 x 7 team. We’re the eyes and the ears of Hootsuite on social media. If we pick up something that is a product specific question or maybe an analyst relations question that should go to analyst relation team or a journalist’s question that should go to a public relations team, we can easily pass that message off using Hootsuite to the right team. We have a whole backend document with workflows of service level agreements between teams and which teams are responsible for which facets of the business, and where different social messages should be routed.

Meet your customers in their channel of choice.

It’s also important to understand on which networks your customers want to engage with you for support. There’s no point in having an amazing help page on Facebook while all your customers are messaging you on Twitter, right? So meet your customers in their channel of choice and then determine whether you want to have a separate handle, or a separate page. We recommend having a separate handle or page, as it takes potentially negative sentiment away from your Corporate or Brand page, as well as allowing your support team to find and quickly and easily respond to customers.

For example, we have Hootsuite Helpers so we can keep all customer support inquiries off our main Hootsuite handle. It also allows us to respond a lot more quickly to our customers because we can go straight to that Hootsuite Help channel.

The third step is ‘Educating Customers’. This is about educating the team to engage on social. It’s important to train the team on your social media management solution, as well as ensuring everyone in the company understands social media policies and guidelines, as well as the appropriate company tone of voice.

It’s important to ensure that everybody has that tone of voice and knows what isn’t okay to say on social media because often on social media the lines between personal handle and a professional one can get a little blurry. We often encourage our employees to set up a separate Hoot{Name} handle for their use at Hootsuite so they can keep their personal handles more targeted to friends and family if they prefer.

The fourth step is ‘Unifying Social Strategy’ across the organization. Making sure you develop a framework with service level agreements, in terms of which team is responsible for speaking to which customers, and how quickly should they be responding to those customers.

There is an Altimeter statistic that says up to 13 different departments are touching the customer at any point in time. So without a unified strategy of who’s talking to the customer, and who’s responsible for saying what, and how quickly should they be responding, it’s ultimately your customer that suffers because they only see your brand as one team.

If you’re working away in the background, but you don’t tell the customer “Hey, I’m working with my team on this issue” then the customer just sits there thinking ‘Well, this company hasn’t gotten back to me in three days!’ or ‘Why is it taking so long?’ So, it’s important to have it documented and defined.

The last step is what we call ‘Delight’. It’s all about being proactive and being a part of the larger conversation and using social listening to pick up any nascent conversations before they escalate. Let’s say somebody is not necessarily talking directly to you on your Facebook page, or tweeting at you on your Twitter handle. How do you pick up on social listening and ultimately be able to step in and join the conversation before that issue gets attention of 10,000 people following and re-tweeting it and it’s blown up into this huge big issue?

You can you can set up a social stream that looks up words or emojis such as ‘can’t’, ‘won’t’, ‘doesn’t’, sad emoji — all these different things — so you can see what your customers are saying and being able to step in. You can do it on the positive side as well. Hyatt Hotels is a great example here. They have a team who, around certain events like Valentine’s Day, will listen to conversations about the Hyatt. Let’s say a husband is surprising his wife with a trip to the Hyatt, they’ll pick up on those conversations, they’ll figure out which hotel location they are going to, and then they’ll surprise them in the room with a bottle of champagne, perhaps a free meal or a glass of wine at dinner. It’s a nice way to create amazing customer advocacy by listening and knowing there’s a special event happening for customers. Then to surprise and delight them on the premises, I think, is a great use of social listening,

Monica: I couldn’t agree more, Kirsty.

Speaking of delight, we’re all building great products, we want to ensure that customers have great experiences with our products. But mistakes happen, right? And on social media, these mistakes get amplified. It’s like everybody is looking at it under a magnifying glass. So how often do you encounter such tweets from customers sharing a bad experience?

Kirsty: Honestly, not that frequently. This is the fear that keeps people off social media.

One thing I would say is, if somebody has a bad experience, most customers in the first instance genuinely want for the issue to be resolved. If you’re able to pick up what they’re saying, and resolve the issue, in a timely manner, 95% of customers are happy. I would even go as far as to say 99% in my personal experience.

Then there’s that 1-5% of tweets where people are really upset. It happens when the company hasn’t been listening to what the customers are trying to explain. They feel as though social is the last port of call to meet the anger and frustration. It means that there’s been multiple points of failure in the customer experience or customer journey. It’s their last attempt to try to have their issue resolved.

With good customer experience and a deep empathy for customers, listening to what they say, and genuinely trying to solve the problems, thankfully these are genuinely few and far between.

I would also say most communities are self regulating. If somebody is genuinely having an issue and is frustrated what we often find is that other customers will step in and share their experience. People will naturally try to help each other, which I think is another great advantage of social media.

It is, in a sense, a community because it also means that the burden is not always necessarily on your support team. So people trying to help each other often will diffuse the situation as well. As it self regulates, our goal is, from time to time, to get in there, understand very quickly what’s the business issue, resolve it in a timely manner and be transparent about it. If you’ve made a mistake, fix the situation as quickly as you can.

Monica: Now I know Hootsuite has an inclination for social media as a support channel but is that something your customers mutually agree on? Is social their preferred channel of support?

Kirsty: Chat is our most dominant channel and we offer support across the full suite of channels. Of course, we’re social media company, so we’re a social-first company. We have a strong bias towards our social media partners and providing our customers with the level of support they expect.

It’s a much faster level of support on social. So social media is our preferred channel. Then we offer chat. We also offer email and it sort of graduates depending on what kind of relationship you have with Hootsuite.

Monica: So, do you have a favorite support channel? I am guessing it’s social media.

Kirsty: It’s social followed by chat. Thankfully, I haven’t had to contact a company in a really long time. Depending on the severity and complexity of the issue, I would use either FB Messenger or Twitter.

Monica: You mentioned social media, chat, email. What about self service? How well organized is Hootsuite’s self service?

Kirsty: Well, we have a knowledge base, help center, support forum, and a chatbot.

Based on data, we noticed that most customers want to self serve, and that’s a very important part of the customer experience. I think about my own experience with a company — I don’t want to call a company and spend two hours on the phone; I want to be able to find the information on the website, click a few buttons, and make sure that my problem is resolved. And that’s important.

At Hootsuite, we’ve invested actually a lot of time, effort, and resources into making sure that we have a good self serve experience, both on how-to and FAQ pages. We also provide information in our product when we make changes to it. We often post a banner in the product or in one of the Hootsuite streams.


Or, we will put a message when the customer logs in. They will see a full page message, depending on what we want the customer to know. And then we have help content accessible from a lot of different touch points within the customer experience journey. I think it’s important that customers can find and self serve as much as they want.

Monica: I know that self service, particularly the knowledge base and the FAQ are closely tied to the chatbot experiences. How do you make sure that the knowledge base is optimized so that the chatbot can pick up the right answers to answer customer questions?

Kirsty: I have a technical writer on my team responsible for streamlining the knowledge base articles. We also have a data scientist who works on our chatbot. The two of them work closely together to ensure that what is written in the knowledge base or the help articles is digestible and understandable by the chatbot and can answer the questions in a way that gives the customer the information they need. So they work hand in hand to ensure that we have a great experience from the chatbot perspective as well because those two things are very tightly tied together.

Monica: Is the chatbot built by Hootsuite or is it an external application you’ve integrated Hootsuite with?

Kirsty: It’s built by us using DialogFlow by Google.

I think bots will take over lower level support jobs.

Monica: On that note, do you think bots will take over support agents’ jobs?

Kirsty: I think bots will take over lower level support jobs — if an agent is just looking up information in a data table, then a bot will do that within the next 2 years. I think the more break/fix, triaging and writing up bugs work is probably ~5-7 years away from automation.

Ultimately, I think this will free up agent resources to further up the funnel, or earlier in the customer journey, and shift to being more predictive and proactive. For example, I could pop a proactive chat to a customer who fits xyz criteria, to move them from evaluation to purchase, or from low engagement to a much higher usage of the product. I could have agents call back high value customers who have had an issue to confirm they are satisfied with the outcome and ensure they renew their contract.

The key is to be judicious in your implementation of AI, and to never lose connection with the emotional intelligence that is such a necessary component to marketing. Customer service is an opportunity to build empathy, something that few other channels can offer. Brands need to ensure when implementing AI strategies that they stay focused on being human, helpful, and relevant at scale.

Monica: Let’s talk a little about your team. Where is your support team located?

Kirsty: They are in several different locations. I have a support team in London/UK, Bucharest/Romania, Mexico City/Mexico and Vancouver/Canada.

Monica: Your support team is spread across different locations working in different time zones. How do you make sure that everyone’s on the same page?

In the earlier days when Hootsuite was a lot smaller, we used to run virtual trainings every time we launched a new feature functionality. At the same time, every week, everyone would dial in virtually. As the team expanded, I have a trainer in each region who reports into my training leader who is based here in Vancouver, which is our headquarters.

The training leader develops the training and conducts training at HQ. We also have a train the trainer approach so that each team can then receive the training at the respective locations by the dedicated trainer. That works really well for us.

Monica: So is the training more focused on the product, or on customer support skills?

Kirsty: We have both. As a part of our onboarding, we dive deeply into who our customers are, the pain points, the needs and wants, so that our customer support team gets a deep understanding of our customers and personas. We also cover a lot of the soft skills like deep listening, empathy, problem solving, etc. We then run refresher training, twice a year or once a quarter, depending on where we’re at in terms of QA. So we do a lot of training upfront and then a lot of the ongoing training kind of as a maintenance as and when needed.

We put a lot of focus on training and learning the product. It’s important to know and understand the product when you’re trying to support it.

We have what we call a ‘Customer Zero’ concept at Hootsuite and our support team is effectively customer zero. What that means is we get early access to product changes so we can experience the product as our customers would, to understand what kinds of questions they are likely to ask and provide early feedback to our product development team. It works well for us.

Monica: What are some of the challenges that your team faces on the day-to-day basis?

Kirsty: The biggest challenge that the key members of my team face is around staffing. We are a large team and most often I lose my people internally to other teams or departments because everybody knows that the support people are customer centric; they know the product better than most other teams. So we work really closely with our people team here at Hootsuite to ensure that we have a healthy pipeline of candidates to interview on an ongoing basis.

We actively work to promote our people within the support team whenever there’s an opportunity so they can have their career goals meet with support as well as the broader Hootsuite organization.

We also have what we call a ‘Stretch Program’ whereby anyone at Hootsuite (not just the Hootsuite support team) can stretch into another team or department, for one day a week for a three-month period, to experience and learn what it’s like to work in that discipline or role. It’s a really popular program and a great way for team members to broaden and develop these skills while still maintaining their existing role within the team.

So those are examples of a few ways we try to address the challenge around staffing.

Monica: Speaking of staffing, what are some things that you look for when you’re hiring for customer support?

Kirsty: Everyone always talks about hiring for technical skills. I do think it’s very important to be able to have a certain level of technical aptitude, working in a technical team; you need to have a certain level of knowledge and understanding around technology so that you’re actually able to dive in and know at least how to triage and work through customer issues. But I think the more important skill and the one that’s harder to train for is customer empathy and a customer centric attitude.

Can you give an example of when you may have had an impact on the customer experience or provided exceptional customer support?

We work with our people team and we’ve included a customer experience or customer focus question in every single one of our interviews, across the entire Hootsuite organization. So, regardless of whether you work in product or development or support or finance or sales everybody at Hootsuite or candidate interviewing with Hootsuite is asked the question — Can you give an example of when you may have had an impact on the customer experience or provided exceptional customer support? We expect them to provide an example of what they did and what the outcome was. That’s really to indicate that we are a customer centric company and we place a really strong value on our customers.

Monica: Alright, so in the off chance they give you the right answers but once they’ve joined the team you find out they are not the right fit. What do you do?

Kirsty: First, we set everybody up with very clear expectations from the outset. We have very robust training and onboarding programs. So, from the outset, all customer advocates know what their main objectives, goals and targets are.

Outside of customer satisfaction (CSAT), which is our overarching target, we have a baseline number of solved tickets, chats, or customer interactions that we expect our customer advocates to get through. That ramps up as the advocate grows and develops the skills and as they come to learn Hootsuite and get more familiar with the product.

If somebody isn’t meeting those expectations, first just we have a coaching conversation to understand the why and dig in and try to solve that problem with the advocate. For example, if it’s a product knowledge issue, then we work to make sure that they get more product training and time in the product. If it’s a customer empathy issue, we will refresh the soft skills training to make sure that they understand what it takes to engage with customers. Like any other company then we have a series of conversations with the advocate with the goal to help them improve. If that doesn’t happen, then obviously, it’s performance management conversation.

Monica: So, what’s your star customer advocate/customer support agent like? How would you describe him/her?

Kirsty: He/She is a person with a strong customer orientation, who is passionate about doing what’s right for our customers and building a better way at Hootsuite.

One of the things I think is a critical skill set is to have initiative and to have strong follow through. The analogy I like to use is, if somebody is walking along in the forest, and they see a branch. One person just steps over the branch and keeps walking. The second person lifts up the branch and puts it aside so that other people behind them don’t have to skip over the same branch. The third person if they keep seeing these falling branches, but actually go in and they try to figure out ‘Why are these branches falling down? I wonder what I could do. Maybe, there’s something happening with the seedlings, or they are not planted the right way, or they don’t have the right support structure.’ They actually solve the root cause of the issue.

My star kind of employees are those who don’t just step over the same issue over and over again, they actually show the initiative to solve it. That’s kind of what an exemplary support person looks like — one with not only strong customer empathy, great customer service or strong customer orientation, and the ability to hit the numbers, show productivity and efficiency but also display a high level of initiative and build a better way mentality, which is one of Hootsuite’s core values.

Monica: How is your team structured?

Kirsty: I have a Director of Customer Support and she’s here in Vancouver. Underneath the Director of Support I have two regional leaders. One leading the Americas, which has Vancouver and Mexico City, I mean one leading EMEA which is London and Bucharest.

Each of those regional leaders has a team reporting to them that consists of an enterprise team lead and a self serve team lead and that’s because we effectively have a business that spans enterprise customers — Fortune 1000 customers usually buying on a signed contract as well as what we call a self serve business which has customers landing on the website and swiping a credit card or starting a free trial — so we kind of bifurcated the teams.

Under the enterprise team lead, we have teams dedicated to each of those different go to market. Underneath the self serve team lead, we have a technical team, and then a building team.

We also have an operations team that consists of the Training Lead, two Training Specialists as well as a Quality Assurance that report up to him. Then is a technical writer, a workforce management analyst, and my data scientist.


Monica: Sounds pretty impressive. You mentioned earlier that your team provides 24×7 support. But with them being scattered across regions, how do you manage to provide full coverage?

Kirsty: In the early days, I built the support team based on a resourcing model. This model looks at

– What is our call volume?
– What is our contact volume?
– How is that contact volume distributed across different teams?
– What’s the productivity of the advocates?
– What time of the day /day of week do we get these contacts?
– How quickly do we need to get back to them?

So I built out a resourcing model that shows how many advocates you need at any time of day.

Then of course, you have to factor in shrinkage — people having a bathroom break, getting up to make a cup of coffee, being in training or vacation, and sick days.

The team has grown and evolved — we now have a workforce management analyst whose role is to maintain and manage this model. He looks at making sure that we are adequately resourced at any given point in time across the team to be able to manage the incoming volume of customer queries.

Monica: That’s some serious planning. I am sure a lot of support teams can learn a thing or two from this.

Moving on, we have noticed a new buzz around proactive support. I’d dare say that it has been around for some time now. A lot of brands have already adopted this into their support strategy. Does Hootsuite have a proactive support strategy?

Kirsty: We do. In fact, there’s a number of things that we do. We will tweet out proactively if we know customers are having a certain issue. We look at our data in real time and we understand what’s happening with our customers and will tweet out proactively, share things like an animated gif with some kind of a video clip so that customers can see what it is they need to do.

We also do things like polling over social media to ask what customers would want to see more of. If there’s an issue we’ll say that we’re seeing improvements with Twitter’s API or our team is investigating an API issue. If we launch new features and functionality, we’ll proactively communicate that with our customers — what that new feature or functionality is all about, what it does, how it solves a need, and we’ll often include like an animated GIF or some kind of video so that customers can actually visually see what it is and how they use it. We find that resonates with customers a lot.

hootsuite help

Monica: That’s quite a lot of effort that your team is putting into making customers and their experience with Hootsuite is good. It’s important to not just quantify these efforts but to also identify gaps and fill them. What are some of the metrics you look at? Which metrics are your support team’s performance tied back to?

Kirsty: Our number one metric is customer satisfaction. This is our ultimate objective — to answer customers in a timely manner, ensure they’re satisfied with their interaction with us. Our customer satisfaction score is what we live and die by.

We have a pretty high customer satisfaction score as well as a really high target. So our target is 97% in enterprise and 92% for our self serve business.

We also look at our first response time — how quickly are we able to pick up and respond to a customer issue. That does not include automatic bounce back because it’s cheating. The reason we look at that metric is there’s a high correlation between speed of answer and customer satisfaction.

Those are our top two customer service metrics. From a customer experience perspective, we look at our net promoter score (NPS), which gives us a high level view on how our company is doing from the lens of our customers, and more importantly, what we need to do to address that.

Monica: What are some of the questions that Hootsuite’s support team gets asked? What types of feedback?

Kirsty: The customer support team is a great source of product-related feedback from customers. We have what we call a voice of customer function — we analyze all of our customer feedback, then we synthesize this, and report it back to our business to drive meaningful innovation.

I’d like to talk about one such instance where we took action based on feedback. It shows how we listened to customer feedback and we changed our UX and UI as a result of that.

Monica: I can completely relate to that. We did something similar at Freshdesk. One of the things we did was to get on calls with over 100 customers, to understand what challenges they were facing with Freshdesk. Infact, the newer version of our product — the Mint Experience is also a result of customer feedback.

Monica: So Kirsty, you’ve been in customer service for quite some time now. Why customer service?

Kirsty: The customer experience wave was just about to start and I saw an incredible opportunity in front of me. I think customer support is a great way to connect with people whether it’s my team or my employees or our customers. It’s a nice balance of the right hemisphere of the brain (empathy, creativity and problem solving) and the left side of the brain (data, analysis, and math) because I think in customer support, you really get to use both of those. And, with the advent of things like artificial intelligence and chatbots, we are only just at the beginning of this journey.

Monica: We don’t see a lot of women influencers in customer support. What’s your opinion on that?

Kirsty: I think customer support can be scary for a lot of people — there’s a perception that it’s hard or that you’re just dealing with angry customers all day. Whilst that can be true from time to time, I think it’s a great industry for women who are highly analytical and still love engaging with people — both of which I think many women are very skilled at.

Monica: My favorite question — what is Hootsuite’s secret sauce to customer service?

Kirsty: Hiring the right people, with a strong passion for customers, and customer centric thinking. Ensure they get training and onboarding that sets them up for success, both in terms of who your customers are, and what they need, as well as a deep understanding of your product and business.

Empower them to be able to do what’s right for customers. Structure the team in a way that provides team members with opportunities to learn and grow regularly, with a great career pathing. Create an environment that is positive, supportive, and fun.

Customer support is not always an easy job, and it’s important to provide the team with ways to connect (and disconnect), to be able to bring their best every day.

Lastly, Listen to your customers! They are giving you an incredible wealth of information in terms of what they want, and you can dynamically transform your business by making improvements to your CX based on customer feedback.

Monica: Do you have a favorite customer service person from another organization and would like to hear from?

Kirsty: I don’t know the Customer Support people there, but I hold Amazon, Zappos, and Disney in incredibly high regard in terms of their customer service, so would love to hear about their approach.

We started the Secret Sauce series to find out more about what makes the customer service of some great companies click. We get in touch with one awesome support rep and pick their brains. We find out all about their support process, what inspires them to go above and beyond the call of duty to make their customers happy. If you know of a customer support rep you’d like to see featured here, drop us a line in the comments or shoot an email to love@freshdesk.com