Feature rich helpdesk at $0

Convert emails to tickets

Automatically convert all emails from your customers to tickets and respond to them faster. Never miss another email in the clutter.

Intuitive Reporting

Use Freshdesk’s built-in reports to track team performance, customer satisfaction and identify your biggest bottlenecks.

Social Helpdesk

Connect with your customers from anywhere. Convert Facebook posts and Tweets into tickets and respond to them right from your helpdesk.

Smart Automations

Automate the ticket assignment process and say goodbye to repetitive chores.

Seamless Integrations

Integrate everything your support team needs into your helpdesk - from payment management to translations and much more

Knowledge base

Your customers need not wait every time they need a query answered. Help your customers, help themselves by setting up a Knowledge base.

Leading industry experts recommend Freshdesk

Omnichannel Helpdesk best suited for your business

online first omnichannel online first omnichannel
Support across all channels

Choose a helpdesk that is built to solve for the unique challenges businesses face while offering omnichannel support.

Faster Resolution with AI

Offer quick resolution to all your customers across all the channels with the help of our advanced AI system.

Context across every touchpoint

Get all the information about your customers' journey across multiple channels, on one screen. No more switching tabs for information.

Let Omniroute do the heavy lifting

With Omniroute automatically assign phone calls, chat messages, and tickets to the right agents in your team, intelligently and effortlessly.


Here's why our customers choose us

Trusted by 60,000+ customers