Control your notifications

Pick the events you want to be notified of - on your desktop, mobile, or in your inbox - and mute the rest.

control your notifications

Personalize your replies

Spend less time on replies by creating templates for your notification emails. Automatically greet customers by their first names or send them personalized links to check their ticket statuses.

personalize your replies

Go global with your support

Customize your automated email notifications and dynamically reply to customers in languages they prefer.

go global with your support

Get more out of your notifications

Keep your customers in the loop

Configure auto-responders in email notifications to automatically update your customers of any change in the status of their ticket.

Enable desktop notifications

Get instant alerts about important activity even when you’re working on other tabs or windows.

Stay updated on the go

Enable notifications on the Freshdesk mobile app so you don’t miss updates while you’re away.