Introducing Support 101

Ever wondered where to start when improving your support? Wondering how to hire better agents or deliver the next level of customer experience? Well, now is the right time to assess your support, improve your workflows and reach the next level. Each week, we will be sharing guides, presentations and kits that we think will be useful for you when you are delivering customer happiness this year.

Subscribe to Support 101, get access to these curated pieces of content and see how you can improve your support.

Guide For Scaling Your Support

This guide talks about how to to keep your support culture intact while adding more people to your team. It is divided into three sections:

  • On Hiring
  • On Training and
  • On Self-Service

Giant Guide To Support Etiquette

Customer expectations vary widely around the world. This guide will help you avoid costly faux pas and create the best impression possible. It contains:

  • Support etiquette for 21 countries
  • Common customer expectations 
  • Specific Do’s and Don’ts

Mapping Customer Journeys

A commonly overlooked part of the support experience is the customer’s journey across multiple channels of your support when trying to ask you a question. This presentation helps you:

  • Map the customer’s journey through your support
  • Determine ways to improve it
  • Assess the quality of your support experience

Guide to Great Customer Experience

What makes support memorable instead of just "good"? How do you create great customer experiences instead of just providing customer support?  This guide addresses:

  • The differences between customer experience and customer support
  • Identifying customer needs and personalizing experiences
  •  Exercising Empathy

Starter Kit for Efficient Customer Service

Customer support agents have an enormous influence on how your customers perceive your brand and business. This starter kit addresses common agent problems such as :

  • How to avoid getting stuck on tickets
  • How to save time on repetitive tasks
  • How to communicate better and collaborate across teams faster

How To Handle Difficult Conversations

Some customer questions have no answers. Sometimes you just have to say “No”. Ever wondered how to handle such conversations? This white paper has answers for:

  • What makes conversations difficult?
  • How do you handle difficult conversations?
  • How do you say successfully say “No” to a customer?

Customer Happiness Benchmark Report

How happy are your customers? And how well does your customer support stack up against your peers? This 2018 report will help you understand:

  • Happiness trends across industries and countries
  • How to spot patterns and in learning customer behaviour cues
  • How being a Freshdesk user can up your support game
What’s inside?

A guide, a talk from an industry expert,  or a whitepaper. Each week you’ll have something new to look forward to in your inbox.

Who’s it for?

These pieces will be helpful for new agents that are starting to grow their teams as well as experienced ones looking to improve their workflows.

How’ll it help?

Each piece of content also comes with a worksheet of questions tailored to track your progress and apply to your support whatever you’ve read that week.