Metrics made easier

Customize dashboards
team dashboard get updates as it happens
Insights made more accessible
Trend trackers

Metrics made easier

Customize your dashboards

With 7 different widget categories and over 20 widgets to choose from, choose the right KPIs to monitor your teams better.

Customize dashboards
Get updates as it happens

Critical information will be constantly updated so you can keep an eye on it easily.

team dashboard get updates as it happens
Set targets individually

Team Dashboards can monitor your performance targets and warn you if there is a sudden rise in workload.

Insights made more accessible
Spot problems and react faster

Track trends related to SLAs, tickets or time easily and respond quickly to any situation.

Trend trackers

A dashboard as unique as your team

Show off your performance

The newly redesigned dashboards make data accessible for everyone, so even senior management can note your performance with just one glance.

Measure your impact on the business

Cards like Customer Happiness and Today’s Trends can help teams see the impact their support has on the business as a whole and motivate them.

Collaborate more efficiently

With metrics constantly tailored to your support style and team, you’ll know exactly where to improve to make collaborations more efficient.

Track trends and predict performance

Compare your team’s performance with historical data to spot patterns, notice overall trends and provide better insights to the teams.

Decide with the help of data

Set goals intelligently, provide better insights to your team, take data-driven decisions and help your agents reach their goals faster.